So today I would like to pour out my frustration
about the age old bicker – “You’re vegetarian? Never ate non-veg? Is eating
plants that breathe okay?!”
I am truly sick and frustrated with this
question. Mainly because – I am a Brahmin; we are programmed to snarl or make disgusting
faces when someone says meat! Also
because, I am a freaking vegetarian. I don’t comment or condemn you eating
meat, so STOP asking me to start eating meat. If you want to promote something,
maybe world peace or same sex marriage and even raising a vampire army is
better than asking me to eat meat.
Here is my answer! I don’t eat meat,
because my environment demands me not to; like it or not I grew up within this
circle and it is home. Maybe in another environment I would’ve been a
meat-eater. However, I also have another answer. I don’t believe in caste
system or any kind of differences. But, I think – you are what you are from the
Karma you have done in the past. Maybe previous life or this.
I’m sure all of you have heard, the way to
get closer to god is to leave all worldly desires. Meat, alcohol, cigarettes,
sex, hookah and many more things starting from a shoe, to a table, to a house
is restricted to a sadhu – why? Because they are addictive. Brahmins are
believed to be born out of less bad karma and more good karmas. Hence, we are
restricted to eat meat, drink or smoke – just a way to make us stay away from
falling back to the trap of worldly things. BTW, Brahmins is just a name given
by us. Don’t go all “discriminating bitch” on me.
Same way – Kshetriyas were born to protect
– to protect you need strength and power – so they are allowed to eat meat and
indulge in worldly things – because they are here to save the world. Of course,
if there is a Kshetriya who lives like a Brahmin – then it is said their next
birth would be a better one. So, you get my point, I hope!
This reminds me, In the book Shantaram by
Gregory David Roberts, one of the main characters explain Shantaram the
difference between good and bad; which I think would fit perfectly to explain
this situation.
He says, “Everything we do in this world,
which leads to destruction is bad, otherwise is good.” He gives an example
saying – Robbery is said to be bad. Not because it’s about integrity and taking
away materials that is not yours. Imagine if everyone starts robbing – we will
lead the world into destruction. That’s why it’s bad.
Same way – everyone eating meat would lead
in extinction of animals, in turn destruction; because we live in a world where
even bees, ants and cockroaches are important for human survival.
So next time before asking me why not, ask
yourself, “Do I really care?”
Couples be like |
Vegans be like |
Meat-eaters be like |
Skinny vegans be like |
Eggs be like |
Chicks be like |
And i'm like ;)