Friday 16 January 2015

A winter tale

“The sun was bright, so bright that it almost blinded one to look at it. It was just another gleeful start to the day. As we cruised on the road, a gust of spine chilling wind hit the face and almost instantly drained the blood from the face. The hands and feet went numb desperately looking to hide under the layers of clothing; the chillness in the wind could make your bones curl up in despair to avoid the piercing wind. All this did not seem to have stopped millions maneuvering through their mundane tasks, cursing the unfriendly winter.

Teeth chattered, mostly praying the wind to die. Traffic moved slowly, everyone were avoiding the notorious weather from getting to them. Let’s not forget, this is the winter that once wiped out an entire civilization and reshaped the face of the earth. Even today, hundreds of inhabitants are victim to this deleterious winter tide. The warmth of the bright glistening sun on the face was outrun by a villainous gale every time. The air current was maybe the cause of many dead spirits on the road, but not mine,” I said when someone asked me, “How was your morning?”

Well, what can I say! It was a cold morning.

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