Friday 23 January 2015

You complete me!

I am rarely impressed by entertainment & leisure articles in magazine. Things like – “10 tricks to get slim” or “Life after death” or “Who married whom or what!” or Cryogenics has taken a new turn,” all of this… meh! Sometimes I come across articles I love to read and cherish. Recently, well, not so recently. But it was – Finding soul mates. So I did some research and here’s how it goes.

It is believed, Greek philosophy has its roots deep and oldest in this world. So Plato, a Greek philosopher explains in his book – Symposium, about this soul mate theory. When humans were originally created, we were said to have two faces, 2 pairs of legs, hands, ears, genitals, stomachs. You get the idea right? Just picture this, you and another human stuck together.

Anyway, the story goes on saying, Zeus, father of gods and men, and, ruler of sky and thunder was threatened by the power of a human. He was mortified that humans would take over the gods. So, greedily, he cut us in half – separating us. Once we were separated, we started roaming the earth aimless feeling incomplete and always searching for the other half. And I guess Zeus went on about his business like wars and things and well, still is god from what I know.
We would have looked like this!
It was the thought of a human “uncut” version and the story behind it seemed amusing and even plausible. I started wondering, are my parents really that powerful to take over gods? Or are they not each other’s other half! I dread this thought. What can you do, when you have no way to know the answer? I write. U? Well anyway, the other version – the spiritual version of the soul mate theory, which I came across in my research, is something to know about.

As you know or have heard – every human has seven chakras in the body. Lower being the genital region or base of the spine, which is the base chakra. Working upwards are – Spleen chakra in the lower abdomen, Solar Plexus chakra in the stomach area, Heart chakra at the heart center, Throat chakra (self-explanatory), Third eye chakra in between the eyes and Crown chakra on top of the head.
It is said, when all these 7 chakras are in tune between two beings, you find absolute harmony. When this is achieved, you reach absolute oneness or unio mystica - which means two people functioning as one. Then, you have found your soul mate. I have heard people talk about match made in heaven – well, it’s called Gandhrva Vivaha – a concept that matches are indeed made in heaven and once you find that significant other, it does not matter if you marry or stay apart in this earth world.
The seven chakras
However, it surely does not mean you will need to run around to find this harmony. Because I believe, you on your own will be enough to attain anything you want. You don’t need anyone to support or complete you; but, when you find them, just say – “you complete me.”

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