Saturday 3 January 2015

Resolution Up!

Yayyy its 2015! It’s time to start over and good things come and what not. My favorite part is the resolution part of celebrations. Of course the party and the gala. For the sake of this post let us stick to resolutions. Me for one, never done the resolution thing. I see life as - take it as it comes. Mumma says it’s bad, but yeah. Okay. My life.

I have seen people taking up resolution like
1.      Work out every day and help me get thinner is always number one. Or go to gym regularly. What’s with that! Do you have to wait for a new year to do that?
2.      Be happy and successful. Yeah like that’s just like buying a chocolate. Humph. Really? One more stupid thing.
3.      I will make myself happy this year! Why? Who was stopping you last year?!
4.      Give up alcohol. For some, this would start only from the 2 of Jan, because 1st is all about party and drinking. Yes, ironic.
5.      Quit smoking is just as the same.
6.      Pay off debts or don’t spend too much money is my favourite one! Like seriously? We all know you will make more debt. So cool it.
7.      Do something productive. Whoa, that’s a big one. So what have you been doing all these years?
8.      I have also seen lists like – Give up sex or Get laid. Yes, I have. Too tired or too desperate.

      What I don’t get is, why don’t people make sensible resolutions?  Maybe something like
1.      I will feed a homeless once a month
2.      I will save up for a world tour
3.      I will quit my job and do what I like
4.      I will be nicer to people
5.      I will stop being an annoyingly depending, needy piss off
6.      I will learn about self-control

      I think these would help the world better. What do you say?
Also, Happy New Year guys! J

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