Thursday 23 April 2015

Choosing Your Inspiration

Ugh! Is the exasperated version that unfolds to – “Oh shit! This sucks. What do I write for the blog? Why can’t it be easier? Why is life such a bitch! So many things that inspired, like ‘that teacher scraping off his students thingi with a single hammer blow’ or ‘baby that says he doesn’t want to eat animals’ or ‘the lazy ass cat video’ or ‘when I met with an accident’ But why am I blank when I sit to write something. This is crappy.” And I close the doc file and read funny blogs.

Sometimes there is nothing to write and it’s been 3 weeks I posted a blog and it’s high time I just write something! These are the times that transform to a metaphor; where I want to eat something, don’t know what and just go to the fridge and stand there deciding what to devour in the next two minutes to satisfy my soul!

Even though there is a bank of inspiring events, thoughts, people and others nothing is good enough to write. Or maybe I am just lazy to improvise.


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