Saturday, 14 February 2015

The 5th Veda

“But the thing that sticks in the mind is that this is an art seemingly grounded in innocence, as if the Hindu and Buddhist traditions at their roots escaped the concept of guilt,” said New York Times during Asian Art Museum named “Essence of India,"in 1986. In other words, “they witnessed a pure form of art.”

Indian form of art is not a subject I know extensively or even faintly. Haying said that, it does not mean I have not experienced it greatly. For most of you like me, Indian forms of art follows a dictum written by Bharata Muni – known as Natyashastra. This is known as the 5th veda created by Brahma, preached to humans through Bharata Muni.

Though the original content is said to be long gone, the translated versions explains why Natyashastra is the base for all art forms and how it should be performed. Indian art is not just another treat for the eye and mind, but a ritual which should be processed and refined and practiced. Maybe that’s why veteran artists are told to have done sadhana (achievement) and are called Pundits (masters); but it never comes easy.

Like how I have discussed in you complete me! the harmony of 7 chakras with the other half, in performing arts – it’s the harmony of Bhava (emotion), Lasya (Grace), Tala (Rhythm) and Rasa (the essence of the performing art). If you find your balance through these – you can manipulate the art of performing arts and it is said to 
impress God himself.
Express yourself!
 Rasa is mainly divided into 8 different Bhavas such as -
  • Srungara – love and ecstasy
  • Hasya – laughter
  • Raudra – fury
  • Bhayanaka - horror
  • Karunya – pity
  • Santam - tranquility (added in the later years)
  • Veera – Bravery
  • Adbhuta – Marvel or shocked
  • Bhibhatsa – Disgust

Any piece of advice communicated through a visual-aural form has more impact on human mind than any other form. A drama, besides offering entertainment, can also influence and uplift the minds of spectators.

In theatre, the different kinds of acts are differentiated through the medium it is communicated.

  • Communicating by speech – Vaachika Abhinaya
  • Extraneous representation that uses stage, costume, make up and ornaments - Aaharya Abhinaya
  • Representation of temperament of characters displayed in the form off subtle movements – Sattvika Abhinaya, also considered highest quality of Abhinaya
  • To represent phenomena like animals, sunrise or trees – Chitrabhinaya
  • Communication through body movement – Angika Abhinaya

Navarasa sculptures
“Indian art never relaxes its sense of wonder and thus remains attached to realities both more fundamental and more transcendent is the conclusion in the article,” concluded the review in New York Times.

Yatho Hasta thatho Drishti, Yato Drishti thato Manah, Yato Manah thatho Bhaava, Yatho Bhaava thatho Rasa.

Where the hands(hasta) are, go the eyes (drishti);

Where the eyes are, goes the mind (manah); 
Where the mind goes, there is an expression of inner feeling (Bhaava);
And where there is bhava, mood or sentiment, essence of the form (Rasa) is evoked.

Guys, sorry for the long post!
Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.
Here's pun for fun ;)

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