Friday, 30 January 2015

What If?!

A week ago, I was on my way back home when I shuddered at a thought that had crossed my mind. There, in the middle of an annoying traffic chaos, a thought occurred, which, if real, can demolish the purpose of your life and living.

What if we were just a part of this universe? What if it’s not about humans – our evolution and reproduction? What if we are just another pawn in some game?

Freaky! Especially when I thought for the last 16 years that I am the center of the earth and, “I've got the power!”
I thought she says it better ;)
Anyway, the thing is, what if we were created so that plants can survive or rocks? :-/ Did you ever just stop and think, it’s just not about our survival and maybe by being greedy and selfish, we are destroying the things that are the reason for our living. Are we really that important to the universe? Because we all know universe existed much much before WITHOUT humans and it was all cool!
Who gives us these answers? If these answers come through experience and wisdom; how do we know it’s the right answer?

Maybe, being in The Island movie is a better option than real life At least there, they knew how they came into being and what their purpose of life and living is. Then again, what’s the fun in that?! I don’t want to know that I am some pathetic unimportant pawn in a game; I like that I think I am the center of the universe; because be careful in what you believe. What you believe, is what you get.

Friday, 23 January 2015

You complete me!

I am rarely impressed by entertainment & leisure articles in magazine. Things like – “10 tricks to get slim” or “Life after death” or “Who married whom or what!” or Cryogenics has taken a new turn,” all of this… meh! Sometimes I come across articles I love to read and cherish. Recently, well, not so recently. But it was – Finding soul mates. So I did some research and here’s how it goes.

It is believed, Greek philosophy has its roots deep and oldest in this world. So Plato, a Greek philosopher explains in his book – Symposium, about this soul mate theory. When humans were originally created, we were said to have two faces, 2 pairs of legs, hands, ears, genitals, stomachs. You get the idea right? Just picture this, you and another human stuck together.

Anyway, the story goes on saying, Zeus, father of gods and men, and, ruler of sky and thunder was threatened by the power of a human. He was mortified that humans would take over the gods. So, greedily, he cut us in half – separating us. Once we were separated, we started roaming the earth aimless feeling incomplete and always searching for the other half. And I guess Zeus went on about his business like wars and things and well, still is god from what I know.
We would have looked like this!
It was the thought of a human “uncut” version and the story behind it seemed amusing and even plausible. I started wondering, are my parents really that powerful to take over gods? Or are they not each other’s other half! I dread this thought. What can you do, when you have no way to know the answer? I write. U? Well anyway, the other version – the spiritual version of the soul mate theory, which I came across in my research, is something to know about.

As you know or have heard – every human has seven chakras in the body. Lower being the genital region or base of the spine, which is the base chakra. Working upwards are – Spleen chakra in the lower abdomen, Solar Plexus chakra in the stomach area, Heart chakra at the heart center, Throat chakra (self-explanatory), Third eye chakra in between the eyes and Crown chakra on top of the head.
It is said, when all these 7 chakras are in tune between two beings, you find absolute harmony. When this is achieved, you reach absolute oneness or unio mystica - which means two people functioning as one. Then, you have found your soul mate. I have heard people talk about match made in heaven – well, it’s called Gandhrva Vivaha – a concept that matches are indeed made in heaven and once you find that significant other, it does not matter if you marry or stay apart in this earth world.
The seven chakras
However, it surely does not mean you will need to run around to find this harmony. Because I believe, you on your own will be enough to attain anything you want. You don’t need anyone to support or complete you; but, when you find them, just say – “you complete me.”

Friday, 16 January 2015

A winter tale

“The sun was bright, so bright that it almost blinded one to look at it. It was just another gleeful start to the day. As we cruised on the road, a gust of spine chilling wind hit the face and almost instantly drained the blood from the face. The hands and feet went numb desperately looking to hide under the layers of clothing; the chillness in the wind could make your bones curl up in despair to avoid the piercing wind. All this did not seem to have stopped millions maneuvering through their mundane tasks, cursing the unfriendly winter.

Teeth chattered, mostly praying the wind to die. Traffic moved slowly, everyone were avoiding the notorious weather from getting to them. Let’s not forget, this is the winter that once wiped out an entire civilization and reshaped the face of the earth. Even today, hundreds of inhabitants are victim to this deleterious winter tide. The warmth of the bright glistening sun on the face was outrun by a villainous gale every time. The air current was maybe the cause of many dead spirits on the road, but not mine,” I said when someone asked me, “How was your morning?”

Well, what can I say! It was a cold morning.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

I think, I am an old lady!

Last Tuesday, if I remember correctly, my day started with a glass of hot water at 11ish in the morning. I could not sleep all night and slept through the sunrise into the break of noon. I had my breakfast and watched TV all day, all the while thinking, what is happening – shooting across LOC, small kids raped by mentors and belief in God is just a saying. I remember thinking to myself, “in those days” people actually had belief, restrain, strength and little idea about what’s right and what’s wrong. See now. World will come to an end.

Then I began to feel comfy and cozy and slept through the noon until evening. When it was time to get up, because Goddess Lakshmi will come home, also my mom screamed on top of her voice to get up, I drank hot water again with lime and pepper and sat down to watch TV series. Yes!

I think somewhere between 22 and a half and 23 years I grew up. I grew up so fast and so old that I think I am an old lady. I don’t know how it happened. I have become wiser, less crazier, more responsible, too very worried and frustrated and that much sick. Also, I am always so tired, that my tired is tired. Uh-huh. Told you! All the signs right there, that’s me.

You may think, it’s just a lazy day, it will be fine. But I don’t. Also, I am not much into socializing and all that schizzles. I am happy with people I know. I don’t want to know new people and I am for the love of god not pretending to like someone. See, all the traits of “letting it go.” I am questioning my best trait – “to boss around.” I don’t think it’s worth it. I am happy to reach home early – eat and sleep. Sometimes I think, I suppose I could be the new age leader, and then I start wondering – is it really the truest calling of my heart? that would be comfort of my bed.

I read once, inside an older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened. I think it’s reversed with me. Some people will never be old enough to know better, but me, yeah, I think, I am an old lady!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Resolution Up!

Yayyy its 2015! It’s time to start over and good things come and what not. My favorite part is the resolution part of celebrations. Of course the party and the gala. For the sake of this post let us stick to resolutions. Me for one, never done the resolution thing. I see life as - take it as it comes. Mumma says it’s bad, but yeah. Okay. My life.

I have seen people taking up resolution like
1.      Work out every day and help me get thinner is always number one. Or go to gym regularly. What’s with that! Do you have to wait for a new year to do that?
2.      Be happy and successful. Yeah like that’s just like buying a chocolate. Humph. Really? One more stupid thing.
3.      I will make myself happy this year! Why? Who was stopping you last year?!
4.      Give up alcohol. For some, this would start only from the 2 of Jan, because 1st is all about party and drinking. Yes, ironic.
5.      Quit smoking is just as the same.
6.      Pay off debts or don’t spend too much money is my favourite one! Like seriously? We all know you will make more debt. So cool it.
7.      Do something productive. Whoa, that’s a big one. So what have you been doing all these years?
8.      I have also seen lists like – Give up sex or Get laid. Yes, I have. Too tired or too desperate.

      What I don’t get is, why don’t people make sensible resolutions?  Maybe something like
1.      I will feed a homeless once a month
2.      I will save up for a world tour
3.      I will quit my job and do what I like
4.      I will be nicer to people
5.      I will stop being an annoyingly depending, needy piss off
6.      I will learn about self-control

      I think these would help the world better. What do you say?
Also, Happy New Year guys! J