Friday 19 December 2014

Butterfly effect

Yes, the inspiration was the movie. Of course, Ashton Kutcher is hot! So I was really impressed with the butterfly effect and I thought this blog can be quiet imaginative. I will take a real life situation and predict how different it would have been when butterfly effect theory is applied.
Ok, let’s start with the big one. We have come across a lot of alien theory; for now, they are all true….. So, instead of studying them, what if we had collaborated with them? How would it affect the world beside half-human half-alien babies!
That's your classmate, guys!
Let’s see. For sure we would be the most intelligent galaxy with human touch ;) Our president maybe showing off his endoskeleton with slimy transparent skin! We would also have to learn another language in school! Phew! No more economic issues, social issues and human warfare. Expect a few extremist booing our alien friends! But mainly, we will be technologically very improved and feel threatened that our intelligent friends might take over. You don’t know what scary weapons they have! Maybe for them Bazookas are everyday cowboy fight weapon. Bottom line, cold war and scared human population. Hmmmmm… I don’t like how this ends at all

Okay instance 2, What if wars were not about fighting and weapons but an eating competition?! We sure would have fat people. Body measurements for enrolling in a police academy would triple. Military slogans would say – save your breath, walk less, eat more. Idea! Company would sing eat and talk, eat and talk with a chubby AB baby. Bluetooth business booms! Government shouts – Always cooking, always eating. The military bases utmost requirements would be chefs!
PS: Be nice to me :p
Imagine the hospitality industries joy! Farmers finally need not suffer! And you damn cardiologists would be the richest people on earth closing in next would be chefs. So downside? You don’t eat well, you are a shame to one whole country! You die faster, maybe even before you see your next kin. Life expectancy would be 30 years. Hopefully! 
Not so good either, is it?!

What about, Osama bin Laden - who had earned a civil engineering degree and son of a multi-millionaire construction magnate decided his life is about money, women and construction? How would the world be?

Food for thought. Comments are welcome!

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