Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Affairs of the Nation or Lips?

Life, love and ecstasy is all about me and my world perspective. I have a unique take on any situation, or at least i would like to think so!

This is my first blog and I had at least 3 drafts with different concepts and stories. I felt nothing was good enough to make a BANG premiere! So… finally I settled on going a little political and a lot of controversial! Yes, this is very very interesting and quite raging all around the nation. It started with just one FB page – Kiss of love ;) The page which protested against Kochi’s moral policing, which in many instances was police abusing powers and misunderstandings, grabbed the Nation’s attention from NaMo. Phew! That’s a relief to our Modi. I’m scared one day when I turn on the news, the headline would read – What did Modi eat for unhealthy bowel movement! I’m not kidding. Anyway, until that day. Right now let’s focus on why people are just randomly engaging in PDA. The KOL Kochi campaign was intended to be a peaceful march, but well, we know how rollercoasters are – especially the steep ones! Bottom line, the campaign was not so peaceful!

With one party offending the other party to the extreme this chain grew long and strong; so strong that it’s all over India now. The protestors who are protesting for moral policing have protestors who are protesting against the people protesting moral policing! If that made sense to you, you will realize how ironic, funny and stupid it sounds.

Any protest is started by a raged public with compact evidence and hurtful reasons behind them. Like the The Pink Chaddi campaign of 2009, Blank Noise Project of 2003, BesharmiMorcha of 2011 and The Kiss of Love campaign of 2014! They all have their ups and downs and protests. They all spread awareness all through the country. They have their reasons to protests. In my opinion – any matter can be solved if you just know the balancing mid-point. Find it and don’t fight for it.

Indians who are fighting tooth-to-nail on a matter so trivial, challenging a whole system and ethics of a country is just wrong in my opinion. Do you really think if in India you can kiss in the middle of a road randomly you will be able to admonish moral policing, mind you, in some cases it is very helpful too. Or will you be able to stop eve-teasing or attempt to rape? Do you think perverts who are aroused at the sight of a girl will be fine with PDA all around them? Don’t you need the same moral policing when someone calls you to go home with them for the night? But really.. is PDA so important to you that you are willing to give up a country’s ideology? Whom are you doing this for? What will you achieve through this? Isn’t kissing, an act of love that is intimate and between two individuals? Has Jane Austen taught you nothing about love?

When KOL can grab so much media attention through one social platform, why are we not focusing on much important issues through the same platform? If I ask you, do you support KOL campaign, maybe yes or no. Again, have you helped a poor family? Do you visit any orphanage? Have you kept your city clean? Have you reported a crime or ignored it? Do you think politics is somewhere you would go to change the world? At least, what are today’s news headlines? How many of you can honestly tell me you are doing your best for this nation’s growth. I don’t think even I can honestly say yes to all of them above. Something to think about. There are bigger problems than moral policing. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s shitty of them to treat civilians that way – but going to the extreme to defend against uncouth narrow-minded insignificant authority is not the answer. I believe it was more than just an inconvenience, but will kissing in public stop them?

I ask questions and not answer them because, you decide if you have really thought through all this. One more thing,
What really bugged me with social media campaigns being the newest trends are - how impacting is it? If it is reaching millions every second then why is that just a week ago I read about a Delhi girl with her father who was teased in the middle of a high traffic area had to defend herself while the crowd watched the show?

Are we not following our pledges? Have we become so shallow that even after hard proof evidence of losing 100s of girls every year due to rape or abuse we just blindly ignore it thanking god it was not our girl? Will we ever stop it? Will your girl be the next one?

There you go – The life of millions fighting for what they think is right, the love for some reason found nowhere in this situation and ecstasy is for the media on their TRP ratings! Guys, here’s your moment. Shine on!